There is no shortage of great art to see in one of the greatest cultural capitals of the world, New York City. Here is a short selection of a few worthy exhibitions we think are worth a visit.
• Sara Vanderbeek at Metro Pictures: Exploring the connection between memory, experience and
cultural expression, Vanderbeek created sheets of colored Plexiglas over a series of large-scale, black-and-white phototgraphs. Each photograph is of a colossal Roman marble or bronze sculpture of a female. Opposite the photos is a “colonnade” of abstract rectilinear modules of a similar size to the photos, perhaps suggesting a chicken-or-egg metaphor of classicism in art history. Until June 8 at 519 West 24th Street.
• Mark Greenwold: Murdering the World, Paintings and Drawings 2007-2013 at Sperone Westwater: Distorted bodily proportions and detailed portrayals of interactions between subjects which are subtly unnerving, make these surreal paintings fascinating. May 10-June 28 at 257 Bowery Lower East Side.
• Los Carpinteros, “Irreversible” at Sean Kelly Gallery: Los Carpinteros is a Cuban art collective which
deals mostly with the images from socialist ruling powers of the past and present. The new exhibit features sculptures and their first video. Make sure to see the Lego models of Cold War monuments from the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. May 11-June 22 at 475 Tenth Avenue.