During the end of the 1960s key leaders in the real estate industry looked to the New York University to help them create a venue in which they and their colleagues could further their educations in real estate. As a result of that impetus the NYU Real Estate Institute was established in 1967.
Among the many alumni of the NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate is Eli Verschleiser, who is today the President of United Realty Trust, as well as a member of URT’s Board of Directors. Verschleiser has been involved in an extensive number of real estate projects, including: organizing the team which won the bid for the 858-acre RFP (request for proposal) for the Master Re-Development of Riviera Beach in Florida; Trump Tower in Philadelphia; and in October of 2010 leading the group which underwrote the first credit-rated bond issuance on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange on behalf of a US-based private real estate company.
Today, the NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate, part of the NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies, offers courses and seminars especially created for the most highly motivated real estate professionals in both commercial and residential real estate. Today, they have professional licensing programs, professional certificate programs, diploma programs and graduate degrees. Their real estate conferences draw national attention and their alumni include people from around the world.