March 21st was World DownSyndrome Day, and as part of that special day, the art exhibit DOWNrightART took place. The international show was part of the three day celebration of art from March 21-23 that featured movies with Down Syndrome actors and music by Down Syndrome musicians. On the last day of the festivities, Chris Burke, who played Corky on the TV show, “Life Goes On” played with his band.
One artist, Erik Behnke from Alaska, was featured as part of the exhibit of 23 Down Syndrome artists. His mother, Linda Thompson, said, "This is so exciting. I am so jazzed" about his paintings being displayed. She helps him market them through the company Brown Bear Productions.
The celebration was held at the United Nations and started with a speech by U.N Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon. It included discussions about new research into cognitive abilities of those with Down Syndrome and the role of siblings of those with Down Syndrome.